Epic trip back.. (Sept 2008)

n549775618_1811593_4694.jpgI always knew that it was going to be a smoother ride back to Slovakia, the drive home had been an education, this time it would be different. For the return voyage, I had the pleasure of having my Swedish girlfriend Lisa by my side, Darwin was no more. I was leaving nothing to chance, having lots of spare parts with me meant we were ready for almost anything, in addition to this we had a few extra days to play with, an essential ingredient for a more relaxing journey. We avoided the UK by catching the Ireland – France ferry, this was an 18 hour overnight crossing, we booked a sleeping cabin, so it felt like a mini cruise. After a smooth sail we were delighted to encounter a playful dolphin swimming around the ferry as we docked! Continue reading

Epic trip home… (July 2008)

n549775618_1442437_5800.jpgHaving finally finished all my exams I was saying goodbye to Kosice for the Summer, but I chose not to catch the usual skyeurope flight home, this time I was going to drive! Darwin, my loyal friend and faithful travelling companion was flying over to drive home with me, landing at 12.25 in Poprad. I hurriedly departed Kosice at 11.30, I knew that I would be late, but I didn’t know how late I would actually be… Continue reading

9. medzinárodný zraz Podmitrov

podmitrov08jar_17.jpgTohtoročný Podmitrov začal tak, že som do posledných minút nevedel, ako pôjde Majky. Stále menil kombinácie, ktorým zo svojich busíkov pôjde 🙂 Najprv mal ísť Hochdachom, na poslednú chvíľu s pomocou Viktora rozbehali Amanitu. Viktor má vo svojom modráskovi druhý domec riadenia, takže je tiež pojazdný. Continue reading

My life is now complete

p1000057.jpgI’m an Irish man in a Slovakian university studying to be a vet. Life was pretty good, yet I needed a camper van to feel complete. You cannot imagine how many hours I squandered searching the internet in vain for the ‘my’ VW, it was like an addiction. But then, when the all-knowing google bestowed upon me the link, www.busdriver.sk, my life would be never quite the same again. Continue reading

Simon kupuje Busa

simon_01.jpgKeď 12. decembra 2007 prišiel e-mail od Íra, ktorý študuje na Slovensku, nepomyslel by som, že o dva mesiace budeme mať nového parťáka 🙂 Pripájam prvé video Simonovho krásavca. Busíka kúpil vo vinikajúcom stave, kasňa, podvozok a motor s prevodovkou po GO. Chalan to aj potrebuje, pretože jazdí nielen po Československu, ale v lete sa chystá do Británie! Mimochodom, busa si v Írsku prihlásil bez toho, aby tam ten voz fyzicky bol – podotýkam legálne! Čo pre našinca, zdeptaného skorumpovanou byrokraciou, znie ako nebeská hudba.. Continue reading

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