Jeden pekný marcový piatok sme sadli do Helmuta (T4 Westfalia) a vyrazili na mega trip na západ, sa pozrieť ako to jazdia tie vzducháče vo svete… A ešte aj pre jednu krásavicu.
Naviažem na Tončiho post aj s galériou zo zrazu…
On one nice friday in March we boarded Helmut (T4 Westfalia) and headed for a mega trip to the west, to look how the Aircooleds are driven in the World… And also to pick up a beauty.
Teleportovali sme sa do Antwerp, kde sme pobehali celé mesto aj s jedným úlovkom. Doporučujem ochutnať belgické mníšske (Trappist) a čerešňové (Kriek) pivá. Boli vynikajúce 🙂
We teleported ourselves to Antwerpen, where we stayed just to enjoy the local atmosphere and also saw some local veedubs. I recomend having a sip of Belgian Monks beer (Trappist) and cherry beer(Kriek). They were all delicious.
Ráno sme sa zobudili na Belgicko-Holandských hraniciach, kde sa už zbierala časť kolóny, mieriaca na miesto zrazu.
In the morning we woke up on the Belgian-Holand border, where the cars attending “The Cruise to Ninove” began to emerge.
Od prvého vzducháča to trvalo 5 minút pokiaľ prešiel posledný … to bola “Cruise to Ninove 2012” 🙂
When they started leaving the parking lot and left for the meet it took at least five minutes until the last aircooled vw departed. Those were only the cars taking part in the Cruise.
To, čo nás čakalo v mestečku Ninove nikto z nás ani len netušil…všade po celom meste busíky, chrobáky a ostatná VW háveď.
Niektorí členovia posádky sa dostali práve do raja. Raja vzducháčov…
What was waiting in the small Town of Ninove shocked us (in a pleasant way 🙂 ).
All around the beautiful city center were parked just bugs, buses, typ3s and other old vws. It was just full of them.
This is how some of our crew members envisioned paradise 🙂
And we have been there, in the Paradise of the aircooleds.
galéria :
Cieľ našej cesty : Konvalinka – nádherný zdravý busik s krásnou patinou.
Next up was: Konvalinka (or Lily of the Valley if you want to know what her name means),
the final goal of our trip – a beautiful and healthy bus, with a fine patina.
Misia splnená až nad naše skromné očakávania. Na pekné autá jednoducho treba ísť na západ…
Na ceste sme boli 4 dni, prešli sme cca 3 tisíc km, videli asi tisíc starých VWčiek…. 🙂
Mission acomplished, surpassed our expectations. You just have to go west to see beautiful cars …
Four days on the road, three thousand kilometers and a thousand or more aircooled veedubs … 🙂
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